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Les Productions Adonis were unable to turn Marvel Avengers ™ S.T.A.T.I.O.N visitors’ into superheroes, but did manage to infiltrate them into the heart of S.H.I.E.L.D’s science base headquarters… Secret files, studies and experiments on the historical and scientific origins of the Avengers were thus revealed to public.
In 2016, after New York and Seoul, the Marvel Avengers™ exhibition moved to Paris. This exhibition focused on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics was designed in partnership with Nasa and numerous American scientific institutions including Science and Entertainment Exchange, Neuroverse and Thwacke.
This groundbreaking exhibit brought the heroic Marvel Avengers universe into interaction with science. For example, mapping the stars led to determining the location of the Asgardian city, neurological study provided insight into the effects of Bruce Banner’s transformation into the Hulk, and Iron Man’s armor was deconstructed… From the standpoint of its organic composition. AS fun as it was educational, the Marvel Avengers™ exhibit appealed to parents and teens, die-hard fans and scientists, moviegoers, and comic book fans…
The exhibition that turns you into a superhero.
RTL 15/04/2016
An interactive adventure like an amusement park.
Télérama 26/04/2016
An original idea... Supported by NASA work.
Le Figaro 11/02/2016
A total immersion in the Avengers universe.
CNEWS 15/01/2016
The exhibition mixes science and fiction.
20 minutes 15/04/2016
A unique and interactive experience.
Grazia 15/04/2016